There’s more to alignments than just simple wheel adjustments. It also involves adjusting the suspension and steering, which connects the tires to the car. Not keeping wheels aligned can cause many problems including steering issues.

Is Your Alignment Off?

You may need an alignment if you experience any or all of the things listed below:

  • When you let go of the steering wheel on a level, straight road and the car pulls to one side or the other.

  • When the tires are not straight even on a level road. Check out your wheel. Is the logo vertical? If you center the steering wheel but the car still doesn't straighten, you may need an alignment.

  • When the tires are unevenly worn. Tire wear may also mean tire issues. If one side of the tire is worn, it may indicate an alignment issue. You have too much air in the tire if only the center is worn. If the outer edges of the tire are evenly worn, the tire pressure is too low.

    The problem can either be with suspension or alignment or a combination of both.

The Three Alignment Positions

The camber, caster, and toe may be off when your car is out of alignment.

  • Squat in front of the car and look at the tires. If the tire's top leans toward the passenger side, the positive camber has to be adjusted. Negative camber is off if the top of the tire leans toward the driver. The mechanic will look for worn ball joints, bearings, and other suspension parts that may create camber issues.
  • The toe is off if the entire tire points inward or outward. Look down at your feet to picture this. Toe-in alignment is when you point both feet in the direction of your body's center. Toe-out alignment is when one foot points to the left and the other to the right, away from your torso. 
  • The caster is the last to be checked. The tire angle affects cornering, steering, and stability. From the side, your car's tires should be centered on the axis. Positive caster happens when the angle is toward the vehicle's rear. Negative caster happens when the angle is toward the vehicle's front. Both need work.


Are your tires wearing unevenly? Does your car pull involuntarily to one side? 

Have your car alignment checked or fixed at JCR Performance at 6161 Power Inn Rd Ste D, Sacramento, CA 95824.

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